Englanti muokkaa

Verbi muokkaa

ind. prees. y. 3. p. unloads
part. prees. unloading
imp. & part. perf. unloaded


  1. purkaa (lasti, rahti); tyhjentää
    Tanks and heavier vehicles were in the lower deck and were unloaded first. (bbc.co.uk)
    The crews waved back and then unloaded their cargo of whale meat. (bbc.co.uk)
    A man was crushed by his own car after it rolled back as he was unloading shopping.
  2. ...
    During the eruption between 4 - 5 million cubic metres of lava was unloaded in the form of pyroclastic flows.

Etymologia muokkaa

yhdyssana sanoista un- ja load