Versioiden väliset erot sivulla ”get on”

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Rivi 10:
#:''And how are you '''getting on'''? Oh, I can see the job is '''getting on''' just fine.''
#:''Can we please '''get on''' as we don't have much time left.''
#:'''''Get on''' with it! Work!''
#(''brittienglantia'') [[pärjätä]]
#:''How did you '''get on''' in your French exam?''
#(''brittienglantia'') tulla toimeen, tulla juttuun
#:''My brother and I don't '''get on'''.''
#:''He is so amicable; he seems to '''get on''' with everybody.''
# päästä, tulla valituksi johonkin
#:''Our son '''got on''' the little league football team.''
Rivi 17 ⟶ 21:
#(''brittienglantia'') [[edetä]], [[menestyä]] elämässä, päästä eteenpäin
#:''That bitch will do anything to '''get on'''...''
#(''brittienglantia'') tulla toimeen, tulla juttuun
#:''My brother and I don't '''get on'''.''
#:''He is so amicable; he seems to '''get on''' with everybody.''
# alkaa ikääntyä, alkaa olla iäkäs; alkaa olla myöhä; alkaa olla tietty kellonaika
#:''I just realised that my father is '''getting on'''.''
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