Englanti muokkaa

Verbi muokkaa

ind. prees. y. 3. p. considers
part. prees. considering
imp. & part. perf. considered


  1. pitää jnak
    I consider myself a good driver.
  2. harkita jtak
    They said it's an offer worth considering.
    I'm considering if it's a good investment.
    I’m considering going to the beach tomorrow.
    He is considering it, but I'm not sure if he'll do it.
  3. ottaa huomioon, huomioida (asioita, muita ihmisiä)
    You should consider that the price of oil has plummeted.
    Hey, could you consider the other people in this room?
  4. käsitellä (lainsäädännöllistä asiaa)
    This bill will be considered by the Parliament tomorrow.
    Parlamentti käsittelee tätä lakiesitystä huomenna.
  5. katsella
    He sat there for a moment, considering him.

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