Englanti muokkaa

Verbi muokkaa

put down

  1. laskea käsistään
  2. panna nukkumaan
  3. (brittienglantia) (transitiivisena) jättää kyydistä; (intransitiivisena) laskeutua
    The taxi put him down outside the hotel.
    Can you put me down at that bus stop, please?
    The aeroplane put down on the nearest airfield.
  4. lopettaa puhelu
    She put the phone down. (syn. hang up)
    How dare he put the phone down on me! (syn. hang up on)
  5. maksaa käsiraha t. vakuus
    We require a security deposit to be put down when signing a lease.
    We've put down a payment on a new house.
  6. kukistaa, tukahduttaa, nujertaa
    The government quickly put down the insurrection.
    Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain to Help Put Down Unrest (NYTimes)
  7. moittia (etenkin julkisesti); lannistaa, väheksyä, vähätellä
    Women and their ideas have been put down for so long.
    Stop putting yourself down. You are very talented.
    I don't want to put you down but your performance really does leave a lot to be desired.
    Children should not be put down but praised and encouraged!
  8. (kiertoilmaus) lopettaa eläin
    We will probably have to have our dog put down pretty soon.
  9. merkitä, kirjata
    Can you put my name down on the list, please?
    I put her phone number down in my address book.
  10. ilmoittautua; laittaa, ilmoittaa t. määrätä joku johonkin (kuten opiskelupaikkaan, tehtävään)
    I took up French and put down for the Tuesday and Friday classes.
    The upper class seem to be putting their children down for elite public schools the moment they are born.
    I was put down to teach French instead of English.