Katso myös: turn-up

Englanti muokkaa

Verbi muokkaa

turn up (fraasiverbi)

  1. kääntää t. panna kovemmalle
    Turn the heat up a bit.
    Don't turn the music up. I'm trying to study.
  2. ilmestyä, ilmaantua (sovittuun aikaan ja paikkaan), saapua paikalle; löytyä, ilmaantua
    My date never turned up. She stood me up!
    She didn't even turn up for my wedding. What a friend!
    They just turned up all of a sudden. No phone call, no notice, no nothing.
    There's no need to book. Just turn up on the night for our bed and breakfast.
    Don't worry. The missing key will turn up eventually.
  3. löytää; saada selville
    I finally turned up the key under my pillow.
    Have the police turned up anything on the suspect?
  4. kääntää ylös t. ylöspäin; tehdä vaatteeseen käänne t. upslaakit
    I turned up my collar against the bitter cold.
    Now turn up the cards.
    The trousers can, of course, be turned up if that is what you require, sir.
  5. (brittienglantia) etsiä, katsoa kirjasta

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