on top of
muokkaaon top of
- jonkin huipulla; jonkin päällä
- I felt on top of the world!
- Scientists found ancient sea fossils on top of the Himalayas.
- What do you like on top of your pizza?
- There was ham and cheese on top of the open-faced sandwiches.
- (idiomi) jonkin lisäksi, kaiken lisäksi
- And on top of everything there was a sudden thunderstorm when we were out boating.
- (kuvaannollisesti) hallitsevassa asemassa jonkin suhteen; ajan tasalla, tietoinen jostakin
- I'm on top of what has been happening.
- I'm constantly trying to be on top of the weeds in our garden.
- This politician is always on top of the issues so the media likes to interview him.
- (kuvaannollisesti) vieri vieressä, päällekkäin, äärimmäisen ahtaasti
- The refugees in the camps are living on top of each other in dismal conditions.
Liittyvät sanat
muokkaa- get on top of – saada yliote jostakusta, päästä niskan päälle, nujertaa
- I think financial difficulties finally got on top of him.