put off
- aiheuttaa antipatiaa, tympäännyttää; saada joku lopettamaan jostakusta t. jostakin pitäminen
- Your attitude toward women is obnoxious! You're putting me off!
- His intolerance and racism put me right off him.
- I tried to put him off that woman by telling him certain details about her past...
- lykätä, myöhentää, siirtää (etenkin jokin epämiellyttävä mitä ei haluta tehdä), vitkutella
- You cannot put that decision off any longer!
- Don't put it off till tomorrow if you can do it today.
- She tried to put him off as long as she could but finally had to see him.
- We had to put the wedding off.
- saada joku lopettamaan jonkin tekeminen, kääntää jonkun pää
- Why would I put him off reading and writing poetry?
- I wish I knew how to put our son off playing video games all the time.
- Once she had made up her mind, nothing would put her off.
- saada jnkn ote herpaantumaan, häiritä keskittymistä t. tekemistä
- Don't do that! You'll put him off.
- Joe McEnroe told he was put off by a low-flying aeroplane at Wimbledon.
- → put someone off their stride/stroke
- The latecomers put the professor off his stride but he soon resumed his train of thought.
- McEnroe told he was put off his stroke by an aeroplane.
- sammuttaa valot t. laite (syn. switch off, put out)
- Put the light off before you leave.
- jättää kyydistä, jättää laivasta tiettyyn satamaan
- He was put off at Maarianhamina.
- riisua vaate (lopullisesti), luopua univormusta
- She was unwilling to put off her lovely wedding dress.
- A Finnish Gypsy woman cannot put off the traditional dress once she has chosen to wear one.
- The retiring police chief got emotional putting off his uniform.