Wikisanakirja:Artikkelitoiveet/Englanti 2/S

sab muokkaa

sabbath - sabella - Sabinianist

sac muokkaa

sacra - sacred kingfisher

sad muokkaa

saddle grafting - saddle-with - sadomasochist - sadomasochistic

saf muokkaa

safe-and-sound - safe-conduct - safekeeping - safety-catch - safety-valve

sag muokkaa

sagebrush - saggar - sagittarius

sai muokkaa

sailing dinghy - sailing-ship - sailorman - sailorwoman - St. Ignatius's bean - saintly

sal muokkaa

salami - sale price - sales person - sally - salt cellar - saltless - salt-mine - salt-shaker - salt-water - salutation - salvo

sam muokkaa

same as - same thing

san muokkaa

sanatory - sanctify - sanctity - sand bar - sanguineless - sanguineous - sanguinity - sanguinivorous - sanguinolency - sanguinolent - sanguisuge - sanguivorous - sanhedrim - sanhedrin - sanhedrist - sanhita - sanicle - Sanicula - sanidine - sanies - sanious - sanitarian - sanitarist - sanitarium - sanitary - Sanitary Commission - sanjak - Sankha - sankhya - sannop - sannup - sanny - Sanscrit - sans-culotte - sans-culottic - sans-culottism - Sanskritic - Sanskritist - sans-souci - santal - santalaceous - santalic - santalic acid - santalin - Santalum - Santees - santer - santon - santonate - santonic - santonic acid - santonin - santoninate - santoninic - santoninic acid

sao muokkaa


sap muokkaa

sap ball - sap fagot - sap green - sap roller - sap rot - sap sucker - sap tube - sapadillo - sapajo - sapajou - sapan wood - sapful - saphead - saphenous - saphenous vein - sapid - sapidity - sapidness - sapience - sapient - sapiential - sapientious - sapientize - sapiently - sapindaceous - sapindus - sapless - sapodilla - sapogenin - saponaceous - saponin - sappadilo - sappan wood - sappodilla - Sapporo - sappy

sar muokkaa

saracene - saracene - Saran - Saran wrap

sat muokkaa

satisfy oneself - saturn

sav muokkaa

savings-bank - savor

say muokkaa

sca muokkaa

scale-down - scale-up - scallop - scamper away - scandalism - scandalize - scapular medal - scarlet-fever

sce muokkaa


sch muokkaa

scholia - schoolmistress - schoolteacher - school trip - schooner-rigged - schorl - schotische - schuss

sci muokkaa

sciatic - science fair - science-fiction - scientific calculator - sci fi - scintillating

sco muokkaa

scoop up - scoresheet - scoria - scoriae - scorification - scorify - scorpio - scot - scot-free - scotch-tape - scotsman - scottish - scout around - scouting - scoutmaster

scr muokkaa

scrambled egg - scrambled-egg - scraper - scrap-heap - scrap-iron - scrawl - screamy - screw-down - screw-driver - scribble - scribe - scriptural - scripturally - scroll down - scroll up - scrounger - scrubbing brush - scruff - scrummage - scrumptious

scu muokkaa

sculp - scurrilous

sea muokkaa

sea chart - sea nettle - sea rover - sea sprite - seafront - sealevel - sealion - sealskin - seamy - seance - seaport - search through - search-for - search-warrant - seaside station - season ticket - seat-belt

seb muokkaa


sec muokkaa

secondary highway - secondary school - second-best - second-class - second-dealer - second-in-command - second-rate - secretarial - sectarianism

see muokkaa

see eye to eye with - see it with one's own eyes - see things other than what they are - see ya - see you later - seeing that - seeing-that - seemly - seep - seepage - see-to

sei muokkaa


sel muokkaa

select by hand - selenium acid - self denial - self-aware - self-awareness - seld-critical - self-denial - seld-educated - self-expression - self-indulgence - self-possessed - self-sacrifice

sell muokkaa

selling price - sell-off - sellotape - sell-out - sell-up

sem muokkaa

semblance - semi- - semi-annually - semi-weekly - semiaxis - semicircle - semicircular - semiconscious - semiconsonant - semidetached - seminary - semiprecious

sen muokkaa

send away - send back - send in - send on - send out - send round - Seneca - senegin - senility - seniority - sensationalism - sensationalist - sensationally - sense of smell - sense of touch - sensiferous - sensitization - sensitizer - sensual - sensually - sentence to death - sentimentalist - sentimentality - sentimentally - sentry duty - sentry-box

sep muokkaa

septuagint - sepulchral - sepulchre

ser muokkaa

serenade - sergeant-major - serialize - serve-as - serves-you-right - serviceable - serviceman - service-station - servileness - servility

set muokkaa

- set a price - set an example - set apart - set free - set on fire - set or calculate the time - set sail - set the table - set up against - set up - set aside - set-back - setee by the hearth - set out - setsquare - setting free - setting of prices - setting out - settle-up - set-to - set-upon

sev muokkaa

several various

sew muokkaa

sewage-farm - sewage-system - sewing

sex muokkaa


sha muokkaa

shade-off - shake-hands - shake-off - shakespearean play - shake-up - shallow point - shamble - shamefaced - shandy - shandygaff - shape set up - shapeless - shapely - share-certificate - share-in - share-out - shares stamps - sharp end - sharpness - shaving-brush - shaving-cream

she muokkaa

she-bear - sheep-dog - sheep-fold - sheep-shed - sheep-skin - sheer-off - sheet-metal - sheetpaper - sheikh - sheldrake - shelduck - sheol - shepherd's crook - sherbet

shi muokkaa

shiftless, idle - shiftwork - ship itself, wreck - shipbuilder - shipbuilding - shipowner - shipping-office - ship's - shipshape - shire - shish-kebab

sho muokkaa

shock-absorber - shoepolish - shoeshop - shoe-string - shogun - shoo-away - shoot-down - shoot-up - shop-floor - shopping-bag - shopping-centre - shop-steward - shopwindow - shore-up - short trousers - short-circuit - short-cut - shorthand - shorthanded - shorthand-typist - shortlived - short-story - short-tempered - short-waves - shoulder-blade - show fight - show mercy - show up - show-business - showerproof - show-jumping - showmanship - show off - showplace - shows, spectacles - show-through - show up - showy

shr muokkaa

shrink-back - shroud

sht muokkaa


shu muokkaa

shuffle-off - shut-in - shut-off - shut-out - shut up

sid muokkaa

side dish - side to side - side with - side-board - sideburn - side by side - side-car - side-effect - side-line - side-long - sidereal - sidereal day - sideroad - side-road - side-track

sie muokkaa

Sierra Leone

sig muokkaa

sightread - signal traffic - signal transmission - signal-box - signaled (AmE), signalled (BrE) - signaling (AmE), signalling (BrE) - signalize - signalman - signal-to-noise ratio - significant instant - sign-language - signwriter

sil muokkaa

silhouette - silt up - silver nitrate - silver paper

sim muokkaa

simmer-down - simple-minded

sin muokkaa

single out - single woman - single-handed - single-minded - single-track - singly

sis muokkaa


sit muokkaa

sit-down - sitting-room - situated - situated beyond

siz muokkaa

size-up - sizzle

ske muokkaa

skedaddle - skeleton-key - skeleton-staff - skeptically

ski muokkaa

- ski-lift - skilled-worker - skimmed-milk - skim-milk - skim-through - skin-deep - skin-disease - skin-diving - skin-tight - skirting board - skittle

sko muokkaa


sku muokkaa


sky muokkaa

sky-blue - sky-high - skylark

sla muokkaa


sle muokkaa

sleep-walking - sleeping-bag - sleeping-car - sleeping-partner - sleeping-pill - sleeping-sickness - sleigh - sleight-of-hand - slenderness

sli muokkaa

slick - slide-rule - sliding scale - sliding-scale - slimy - slink - slip-up - slipped disc

slo muokkaa

slobber - slot-in - slot-machine - slow down - slow-down

slu muokkaa


sma muokkaa

smack-of - small box - small cake - small-change - small-letters - small-talk - smarten - smartweed - smattering

sme muokkaa

smell-of - smelling

smi muokkaa


smo muokkaa


smu muokkaa

smudge - smutty

sna muokkaa

snack-bar - snail-mail - snake fence - snakeroot - snap decision - snarl-up

sne muokkaa

sneak preview

sni muokkaa

snip - snivel

sno muokkaa

snobbery - snorkeling - snow-covered

snu muokkaa

snubnosed - snuff-out - snug - snuggle

so as to - so do we - so many - so much - so much per hundred - so much the better - so, what - so that

soa muokkaa

soaked-through - soak-through - soak-up - so-and-so - soapbox - soap bar - soap-flakes - soap-powder

sob muokkaa

sober down

soc muokkaa

soccer game - soccer player - social aid - social-welfare

sod muokkaa

soda-water - sodden

sof muokkaa

softdrink - soft-hearted

soi muokkaa

soil contamination - soil floor - soil tract of land

sol muokkaa

Solanaceae - solanaceous - solar day - solar-plexus - solar power - soldato - soldering-iron - soldierly - soldier-on - soldier's pay - solemn command - solemnity - solemnize - sol-fa - solidly - solver

som muokkaa

somebody else - something else - something like - something over - somewhere else

son muokkaa

sonic-boom - sonorous

sor muokkaa

sorceress - sordidness

sou muokkaa

souffle - soul-destroying - soulful - soul mate - sound absorber - soundproof - sound-wave - source data - source pogram - source language - south-american - south-east - south-west


sowback - sowbelly - sowbread - sowbug


spa muokkaa

space centre - space-station - space-travel - spaceport - spaciousness - spaded - spangle - Spanish tambourine - spark-off - spark-plug - spasmodic - spatter

spe muokkaa

speak extempore - speak-out - speak-up - spear pyrites - specially - spectroscope - speedboat - speed-limit - spellbound - spermatophyte - spermatozoa - spermatozoid - spew-out

sph muokkaa

spherically - sphygmo- - sphygmogram

spi muokkaa

spic and span - spic n' span - spicebush - spiced - spick-and-span - spider's web - spider-web - Spiderman - spilikin - spill over - spill-over - spinal column - spinal neurotics - spin-drier - spin-dry - spindle - spineless - spinelike - spinning-wheel - spin-out - spinose - spiny-fin - spiny fin - spiral-staircase - spirea - spirit-away - spirited - spiritist - spirit-level - spiritualism - spiritualist - spiritualistic - Spirograph - spitefully - spitoon - spit-out

spl muokkaa

splinter-group - split hairs - split-the-atom - split-the-difference - splutter

spo muokkaa

spoil-sport - sponge-on - sponger - spongy tissue - spoonfeed - sports-car - sports-ground - sports-jacket - sportsman - sportsmanship - spot-cash - spot-of-bother - spot-remover

spr muokkaa

sprained ankle - sprawl - spray-gun - spread like wildfire - spread-eagled - sprig - sprightly - spring-balance - spring-clean - spring-onion - springtime - spring-up - springy - Sprite - sprocket-wheel - spry

squadron-leader - squall - squalor - square dance - square pyramidal numbers - square-up - squashing - squeaky - squeeze in - squeeze-out - squib - squill - squire

sta muokkaa

stafle - stage-hand - stage-manager - stained glass window - stake-a-claim - stalactite - stalagmite - stale-mate - staleness - stamina - stamp-collector - stamper - stamp-out - stand around - stand in line - standardize - standard-lamp - standard-of-living - stand-back - stand-in-for - stand-out - stannite - stare-at - stareboard - starry - starry-eyed - starting-point - start-out - start-the-car - state-of-mind - statesmanship - stationed - stationer - stationer's shop - stationmaster - statuary - statuesque - status-quo - status-symbol - stay-away - stay-back

ste muokkaa

steadfastness - steal away - steam-engine - steam-roller - steel-oneself - steelworks - steer-clear-of - steering-wheel - stem-from - stenographer - step by step - stephanos - stepladder - stepsister - stereo - stereophonic - stereoscope - stereoscopic - stewed - stewed-fruit

sti muokkaa

stick'em-up - stick-fast - stick-out - stick-together - stick-up-for - stiffness - stifling, sultry - still-life - stinginess - stinging-nettle - stinking badger - stinking cedar - stinking smut

sto muokkaa

stockbreeding - stock-exchange - stock-market - stocktaking - stoker - stolid - stomach-ache - stonework - stopgap - stopwatch - storm cloud - stoutness - stow-away

str muokkaa

straggle - straight-ahead - straight-away - straighten-out - strainer - straitlaced - strawberry-fields - strawberry-plant - streaky - street directory - street-lamp - stretch-one's-legs - stretch-out - strictness - strikebreaker - strike-breaker, scar - strike-out - strip bark - striped quagga - strong-box - strongminded - strong-minded - strong-mindedness - strongroom - struck by lightning - strychnine

stu muokkaa

stubbornness - stubby - studious - studiousness - stupefy - sturdiness

sty muokkaa


sua muokkaa


sub muokkaa

subcommittee - subdivide - subeditor - subjection - subjunctive - sublet - sublime - submachine-gun - subnormal - subsoil - substitution, change - subway train

suc muokkaa

succur - such-a - such-a-large - such-as - such-as-it-is - suchlike - suckle - suctoria

sud muokkaa

suddenly all at once

sue muokkaa


suf muokkaa

sufferance - sufficiency

sug muokkaa

sugar-basin - sugar-cane - suggestive

sui muokkaa


sul muokkaa

sulphacids - sultaness - sultriness

sum muokkaa

sum total - sum up - summing up - summit-conference - summon-up-courage

sun muokkaa

sunbaked - sunbathe - sunbathing - Sundae - sunhat - sunshade

sup muokkaa

super - superabound - superactivity - supercompany - superdelic - superefficient - superfine - superfunctional - superimpose - superintendent - superlative - superman - superminded - supernaturally - supernormal - supernumerary - superpark - superphosphorus - superready - superselection - superset - superstation - superstore - supertax - suppertime - supple - suppleness - supply-and-demand - supply-with - supportable - supramundane - supraspinous - supreme court

sur muokkaa

sure-enough - sure-footed - sureness - surf-riding - surgically - surliness - surplus-stock - surplus-value - surtax - surveyor's transit

sus muokkaa

susceptibility - suspended cable-car - suspension-bridge

Swa muokkaa

swampy - swat - swat-team

swe muokkaa

sweep-along - sweep-aside - sweep-away - sweep-out - sweetcorn - sweet-pea - sweet-smelling - sweet-tempered - sweing-machine - swell-out - swell-up - swelter

swi muokkaa

swiftness - swill - swimming bath - swimming-pool - swimming-trunks - swing-bridge - swing-door - swiss - switch box - switch off - switch on - switchback - switch-off - switch-on - switch plug - swivel-chair

syl- - sym- - symptomatic - syn- - synchromesh - synchronization - synchronize - syncopate - syngenesious - syrian - systematize