take on
(Ohjattu sivulta take upon)
muokkaa- ottaa (kontolleen, tehtäväkseen, haasteekseen jms.)
- He should have thought carefully before taking on the job.
- You shouldn't take on all of this; it's too much for one person.
- "Take on me" was an 80s superhit by the Norwegian band A-ha.: Take on me...[take on me]...take me on..., said the refrain.
- saada (uusi ominaisuus)
- This word is taking on a new meaning.
- Her voice took on a note of uncertainty.
- ottaa palvelukseen, palkata
- They took me on because I'm good at computers.
- haastaa, kohdata voimakas vastustaja; ottaa tehtäväkseen päihittää
- Margaret Thatcher took on the trade unions and never gave up.
- You shouldn't take him on.
- (pysähtyä ja) ottaa kyytiin
- The ship took on fresh supplies in the harbour.
- We took on new passengers in Heinola and continued on to Helsinki on our way to Tallinn.
- (negatiivisissa ilmauksissa) ottaa itseensä, suuttua
- Now don't take on so, darling! I didn't mean it that way.