

come off

  1. pudota (hevosen, polkupyörän) selästä
    Oh, poor baby! Did you come off your new bike and hurt your knee?
  2. irrota (paikaltaan), lähteä irti
    The paint is coming off all over the place. The house is really in bad shape.
    Oh, s*it! The chewing gum won't come off my cashmere jumper!
    I was so glad the red wine stain came off the rug.
    OMG, the door knob came off!
  3. lopettaa lääkitys (tai huumeiden käyttö)
    You should come off the medication immediately if you get this side effect.
  4. (amerikanenglantia) vaikuttaa, näyttää jonkinlaiselta
    I didn't want to come off as lonely and desperate.
  5. onnistua, käydä toteen
    Her wedding didn't come off quite as nice as planned.
    What if our plan doesn't come off?
  6. luopua jonkin tekemisestä
    Come off it!
    Jätä väliin!
    Come off it now, lots of men are into gardening.
    Älähän nyt, monet miehet tykkäävät puutarhanhoidosta.
  7. (vanhentunut) poistua jostakin
  8. (vanhahtava, kiertoilmaus) saada orgasmi
    ‘Don't people often come off together?’ she asked with naive curiosity. (DH Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover)

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come, come out, come across