Englanti muokkaa

Substantiivi muokkaa

amount (monikko amounts)

  1. määrä
    a very large amount
    a small amount
    Everything counts in large amounts.
    Literature gives an enormous amount of pleasure and insight.
  2. rahamäärä
    It has cost an enormous amount of money to build this.
    You shouldn't spend such huge amounts.
    The total amount that went to this project was colossal.
  3. (Intia) summa, loppusumma
    the amount has been billed to your credit card

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Verbi muokkaa

ind. prees. y. 3. p. amounts
part. prees. amounting
imp. & part. perf. amounted


  1. amount to something, nousta (johonkin määrään tai arvoon)
    The total amounts to billions of euros.
    You, oh you scum! You will never amount to anything! – Senkin saasta! Sinusta ei tule koskaan yhtään mitään!
    it amounted to little, the whole thing never amounted to much – koko juttu oli loppujen lopuksi varsin vähäpätöinen