take up
- viedä (ylös)
- I took her up to the bedroom.
- He took us up to the hill for a view over the entire city.
- ryhtyä johonkin; alkaa tehdä jotain (harrastuksena, työnä)
- I've taken up French.
- You should take up painting because your drawings are really good.
- I might take it up professionally.
- Would you take up arms to defend your country?
- ottaa puheenaiheeksi, käsiteltäväksi
- The parliament is expected to take the issue up next week.
- We took this up with the teacher.
- Don't blame me. You took it up!
- hyväksyä, ottaa vastaan (tarjous, haaste ym.)
- I wish my husband took up my offer to finally paint the house together.
- He didn't take up the challenge.
- omaksua, ottaa tietty asenne jms.
- Do not take up that attitude with me, young lady!
- It is not easy to take up the habits of another culture.
- jatkaa (keskeytyksen jälkeen), ryhtyä uudelleen johonkin
- We took up where we had left off and got back together.
- He took up reading the novel after the interruption.
- Had she given up on the plan? Or maybe taken it up again?
- yhtyä johonkin tekemiseen
- More and more people took up chanting the slogan.
- Thousands of people took up the national anthem once someone had started singing it.
- viedä (tilaa, energiaa jms.)
- My clothes don't take up much closet space.
- The twins took up all her energy.
- This app seems to take up a lot of battery power.
- irrottaa, nostaa irti
- I took the floor boards up to make sure the mineral wool was dry.
- lyhentää (vaatetta)
- You can take that skirt up if you don't like it that long.
- auttaa ylenemään t. etenemään elämässä
- I took you up and I can bring you down, too!
- imeä kosteutta, ottaa t. absorboida jotakin
- The crops take up nitrogen from the soil.
- Neurotransmitters are released by the nerve cell and taken up by another cell on the other side of the synapse.