Englanti muokkaa

Verbi muokkaa

ind. prees. y. 3. p. leaches
part. prees. leaching
imp. & part. perf. leached


  1. (transitiivinen) liuottaa, huuhtoa, suotaa; irrottaa, luovuttaa
    Cast iron cookware can leach iron, especially when acidic ingredients are used.
    When in touch with water, copper leaches safe amounts of copper ions.
    Rain can leach out nutrients from the soil.
  2. (intransiviivinen) huuhtoutua, suodattua, liueta
    Nutrients leached out of the soil with the heavy rainfall.
  3. (kuvaannollisesti) vuotaa, tihkua; poistaa, "verottaa" tms.
    negative people who leach your energy in life
    Money worries are leaching all the joy out of life.
    meaning has been leached from my life

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