muokkaaTaivutus | |
ind. prees. y. 3. p. | thinks |
part. prees. | thinking |
imp. & part. perf. | thought |
- ajatella
- ~ about ajatella jkta/jtak, miettiä jkta/jtak, pohtia jtak
- I thought about the problem for three hours but couldn’t find the solution.
- luulla, arvella
- I think she’ll pass the examination.
- Do you think so?
- ~ of ajatella jotakuta, ajatella jostakin jotakin, pitää jonakin
- Thinking of you.
- I hope you don't think badly of me for leaving.
- Nobody seriously thought of her as a suitable candidate.
- olla jotakin mieltä
- Contrary to most people, I think she is pretty.
- I think it's just wrong.
- (suora objekti) pitää jkta/jtak jkna/jnak
- I thought him a very nice young man.
- She thought Tom a country bumpkin.
- I guess you think me odd...
- ~ up keksiä mielessään jotain
- I can think up plenty of excuses not to go, but we really should attend.